Aetolian Game News

Changelog News Posts: 1620-1581

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1620Jun 28th, 2019Learning mage skillsRazmael, the SynthesistEveryone
1619Jun 28th, 2019Shadowprice custom promptRazmael, the SynthesistEveryone
1618Jun 28th, 2019Flame tattoo changeRazmael, the SynthesistEveryone
1617Jun 27th, 2019Mage glyphsRazmael, the SynthesistEveryone
1616Jun 27th, 2019Undead SequenceKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1615Jun 26th, 2019Elementary materialsBecue, the CrafterEveryone
1614Jun 26th, 2019Shadowsphere/Shaderot interactionRazmael, the SynthesistEveryone
1613Jun 26th, 2019Various mages fixesRazmael, the SynthesistEveryone
1612Jun 25th, 2019Resonance custom promptRazmael, the SynthesistEveryone
1611Jun 25th, 2019FireflyRazmael, the SynthesistEveryone
1610Jun 25th, 2019Elements, Mages, and Roleplay!Imvra, the LorekeeperEveryone
1609Jun 24th, 2019Chaos skillsetKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1608Jun 14th, 2019Help File UpdateImvra, the LorekeeperEveryone
1607Jun 13th, 2019Roulette againTiur, the GnosisEveryone
1606Jun 13th, 2019RouletteTiur, the GnosisEveryone
1605Jun 2nd, 2019Psi TetherKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1604May 30th, 2019More Zealot tweaksKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1603May 25th, 2019Zeal WhipburstKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1602May 25th, 2019Shaman tweaksKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1601May 19th, 2019More zealot tweaks!Keroc, the StarbornEveryone
1600May 15th, 2019Org DesignTiur, the GnosisEveryone
1599May 12th, 2019Barge adjustmentsRazmael, the SynthesistEveryone
1598May 11th, 2019Dialog options updateRazmael, the SynthesistEveryone
1597May 10th, 2019SacrificeKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1596May 10th, 2019Large bludgeon weapon classKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1595May 6th, 2019Corpus RestoreKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1594May 4th, 2019More Zealot TweaksKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1593May 4th, 2019Learning ZealotKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1592May 3rd, 2019Zealot TweakKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1591Apr 29th, 2019Praenomen Group TweaksKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1590Apr 25th, 2019PsycombatKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1589Apr 22nd, 2019Some tweaksKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1588Apr 21st, 2019Event pointsEre, the CelebrantEveryone
1587Apr 20th, 2019DominionKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1586Apr 18th, 2019Stiffness afflictionKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1585Apr 18th, 2019Bio AdaptationKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1584Apr 12th, 2019Vigor ElixirKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1583Apr 11th, 2019Chaos PlaneKyna, the Cookie MonsterEveryone
1582Apr 10th, 2019Relic stuffTiur, the GnosisEveryone
1581Apr 8th, 2019The Pit of Xa'zamitKeroc, the StarbornEveryone

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