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Changelog News Post #2375


Written by: The Aetolian Team
Date: Saturday, September 7th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

It is Saturday, the 7th of September, and the following changes have been implemented:

- Denizens slain by Impire recruits will now return from the mirror at a faster rate if they're under a certain power threshold, ensuring the lower level areas will be more filled for actual new players alongside these budding warriors.

- A shop to spend Imp tokens on now exists at the cramped guardhouse within Sehal.

- The transmute beetle shop and the style shop that were previously at Before the bridge to Esterport have been given proper residences inside Esterport now.

- The cooldown on training Impire recruits is now lowered by up to 20 minutes depending on the amount of total recruits you've trained. 10 minutes is the new lowest time the cooldown will apply.

- Impire recruit weapons have undergone a balancing pass. Notably, the smaller weapons previously had a rate of attack that went without enough drawback in damage.

This notice was posted on the 3rd of Celes, in the year 6 AC.

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