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Changelog News Post #2372


Written by: The Aetolian Team
Date: Monday, September 2nd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

It is Monday, the 2nd of September, and the following changes have been implemented:

- Fixed Swoop / Pester not using equilibrium if it hit a reflection.

- Fixed Poison / Ambush not proc'ing the effects of the 'justice' affliction.

- Those enemied to the Impire can now talk to Firlo to get unenemied.

- Added multiple new weapon types for Imperial recruits to utilize, the full list being: dagger, fists/kicks, bladed yoyo, longsword, warhammer, bastard sword. You must have trained 1 Impire recruit to completion to unlock new weapons for subsequent recruits.

- Adjusted the damage formula to account for each new weapon. Generally, smaller weapons will hit faster, have higher flat damage and less scaling, while large weapons will hit slower, have lower flat damage but much higher scaling. Each weapon is as good or better than the original longsword (prior to these changes) by circle 40, at which point they all hit harder and the scaling begins to shine.

- Updated Imperial recruits to show their currently equipped weapon when probed.

This notice was posted on the 2nd of Omeian, in the year 6 AC.

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