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Changelog News Post #2364


Written by: Keroc, the Starborn
Date: Tuesday, August 13th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Just a quick note before you read on! Most of this functionality was already present and available to players, I'm mostly just documenting it and centralising things.

- Runeband now states in its AB file that it disables dispelling skills.
- Arcanism Dispel / Esoterica Proscribe now state that they dispel self-cast phenomena / emanations.
- Any ability with 'dispel' based actions now run through a central code block, and as such they all now dispel the same things.
- A dispel used on a person will now remove the 'race_disguise' effect from them.

Since I'm sure someone will want to know, 'dispel' skills will remove the following:

Location based:
- Illusions stored in an attuned aegis.
- Lightwalls
- Illusionary props formed by Weaving / antiquated sceptre.
- Skill-based magical brightness.
- Skill-based magical darkness.
- Weaving Boundary.
- Arcanism Mirage and its mirrors.
- Arcanism Phantasm and its mirrors.

Target based:
- The 'shroud' defence.
- The 'ghosted' defence.
- All 'reflection' stacks.
- Weaving Runeband.
- The disguise from the 'race_disguise' artifact.

The following skills activate dispels:
- Arcanism Dispel and its mirrors (location only).
- Subterfuge Dispel (location and target).

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 5th of Sapiarch, in the year 6 AC.

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