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Changelog News Post #2362


Written by: The Aetolian Team
Date: Monday, August 12th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

It is Monday, the 12th of August, and the following changes have been implemented:

- A den or tent that collapses while you're in a haven will now put you outside of the den/tent properly.

- Added the sections 31 & 32 to the HELP index.

- Fixed ITD sometimes throwing an untrapped error.

- Recruits created through Discipline should now have their gender properly set for enter/leave messages.

- Vladerhelm in Attica will no longer attempt to propose to a very dead Frida, should she be in that state when he receives the ring to do so.

- Newly generated warhounds should no longer have double periods within their descriptions.

- Sailaan of Farsai will no longer try to send you into the now-destroyed temple of Ati.

- Helga and Ragnar of Attica will no longer reset back to the beginning of their quests so quickly, should you happen to provide them with the correct items they request.

- ASK <denizen> WARES now gives you MXP links that will work with the denizen.

- Newly made simulacrum's with tattooed features will now actually show their tattoos in its description rather then appearing as though they have scars.

- Fixed Resting / Repose not working in Mountains or Hills environments.

- Luzith will no longer ignore those who are merely pulling her legs off and not actually attacking her, should her main target be out of her range.

- Faction halls in the Shattered Vortex no longer allow you to stack commands and explore deeper into their rooms than you've gained rank for.

- Blood-drenched archers in the Endless Battlefield no longer cosplay as soldiers when moving between rooms or while dead.

- The 'race_disguise' gem now has the option to disguise yourself as a duamvi or an ascended duamvi.

- Disguises from the 'race_disguise' gem will properly be cleared when you log off.

- The 'race_disguise' gem has had its help file updated with the new information (AP INFO RACE_DISGUISE).

- Certain quests that check to see if you're undead or not should now respect the 'masquerade' defence, but just fair warning it's probably not going to work for all them. It depends on how it's setup and we have 20 years worth of quests that will check in all sorts of different ways.

- The Karnagh caravan should no longer have a chance to spawn bandits inside Duiran if it happens to stop right outside.

- Though it pains me to do so as they had great names, the hydra's heads in Glandor will no longer be eying anything as they've each received an updated name.

- The 'critical_field' artifact description now states it works for both you and allies.

- If you are incorporeal, you'll no longer be stinky until you have physical form again.

This notice was posted on the 24th of Haernos, in the year 5 AC.

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