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Changelog News Post #2360


Written by: The Aetolian Team
Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

It is Sunday, the 11th of August, and the following changes have been implemented:

- Golems and elementals can now drop, give, and be given gold.

- Older sceptres made via Jewelcrafting are now all marked as weapons.

- The AB file for Suncloak / Hood now has information showing that Hypersight lets you see past it.

- Mastery from Savagery / Warding will no longer apply its damage bonus to other weapons that it shouldn't.

- Surge / Propagate now removes the Greenfoot / Blightbringer status from the overgrowth / blight, so that it doesn't wither away when you move.

- Fixed gaining weapon charge for Bladefire / Chirography when the opponent dodges.

- Aeroblast / Synaptopathy AB files are now more clear that the conditions are checked when the ability strikes.

- Fixed being able to use FIREBURST / RETCH while off balance.

- Hermit / Star should no longer occasionally place you underground.

- The passive effects from a singularity / morass no longer affect players whom are underground.

- The BUILDING REDESCRIBE ROOM command no longer inserts a period at the end to trick you into thinking you messed it up.

- Tekura Combo should accept stances first as a valid combo again (e.g. COMBO BOB DRS UCP UCP).

- Overgrowth & Sand / Blight & Fog will now split their willpower drains on AUDIT into locations spread and abilities activated.

- Methods of overhearing tells can now see when a denizen speaks to a player.

This notice was posted on the 18th of Haernos, in the year 5 AC.

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