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Changelog News Post #2348


Written by: The Aetolian Team
Date: Saturday, July 13th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

It is Saturday, the 13th of July, and the following changes have been implemented:

- Did you know there's a command to add a log to your bug? Nope? Well, now you do! Check out HELP BUGS for more info!

- Also, as a note, don't forget that QUESTBUG exists! Utilizing this for quests will help us help you!

- There's now a TASK for selecting your origin.

- The eyeless monstrosity has been added to credit milestones as a 2 keystone kill.

- The credit milestone for killing the scourge is now worth 4 keys. Go fight it you wuss.

This notice was posted on the 23rd of Chakros, in the year 5 AC.

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