Aetolian Game News
War bugs
Written by: Varian the Celestine
Date: Thursday, July 3rd, 2003
Addressed to: Everyone
The following war-related issues have been fixed:
-People with divine grace can no longer command troops
-Divisions now have 'balance.' Once ordered to do something, they may
not be ordered (by anyone) to do anything else for several seconds,
depending on the order.
-Mistakenly paying for multiple guards at once is no longer possible
-Upper and lower bounds on division sizes should now be enforced
-Troops will no longer open city-locked doors.
Please note as well that the war system in general is meant to be fairly
well balanced. There should never be a situation, in other words, where
you get something for nothing - such as killing off a large division of
enemy troops while your own troops take no losses at all. No matter how
clever it may be, if you find a way to do something like this, it's a
bug and must be reported.
Penned by my hand on the 10th of Midautumn, in the year 103 MA.