Aetolian Game News
Recent changes
Written by: Varian the Celestine
Date: Tuesday, May 13th, 2003
Addressed to: Everyone
Those who have dealings with the gods of Aetolia should be interested in
the changes reflected in HELP DIVINEFAVOR.
HELP QUARTERMASTER and HELP TRADE outline a change to the war system.
Briefly, commodities for new recruits are now handled through the
quartermaster, a division of the war ministry in cities. This is a
stepping stone for including other groups in warfare, as well as for
adding some interesting new options to the business of commodity supply.
In addition, many bugs have been fixed recently. Some noteworthy bug
fixes and other miscellaneous changes include:
-Numerous clan membership bugs
-Might now cures slightly different afflictions
-Vampire minions can no longer suffer critical strikes
-Errors with grove gate were fixed
-Digging will no longer break your shovel if you're morphed into a form
that can dig.
-Captured locations now suffer less plant growth penalty
-Stormhammer now handles multiple targets more intelligently
-Priests now use equilibrium when Healing enemies
-The moss tattoo should no longer fade in the arena
-Grove summon will no longer work if the target room is not forest or
-Grove lightning no longer works on targets who are indoors
-Some instances where thrown objects would not land on the ground, now
-People who have recently performed aggressive acts will be denied
entrance to safe rooms.
-Pathfinders can no longer fly to the clouds
Several new alcoholic beverages have been made available
-Several illusion-type skills had their maximum lengths capped
-A bug where someone could perform two balance-using attacks at the same
time was fixed
-You may now belong to a maximum of 10 clans
-Copying copies of books no longer gives stupid titles
-A very worrisome bug that made city troops forget their loyalty was
-Angel trace now works as advertised
-Militia members may now leave the militia (see HELP MILITIA)
-Sentient NPCs may now open closed doors if they want to
-Meteor arrows should not be consumed in the arena
-Guilddisfavors now work properly if the target is offline
-Numerous Illumination fixes
-Killing chaos lords is probably a bad idea for those who use the
Dominaton skill
-The Demon Mirror should now refresh properly
-Things shouldn't burn so easily in flooded rooms
-It was possible for someone of extremely high level to gain experience
upon dying. It's not anymore (sorry Ishuri).
-You no longer gain xp for killing yourself
Penned by my hand on the 18th of Lanosian, in the year 99 MA.