Aetolian Game News
War and taking sides
Written by: Varian the Celestine
Date: Friday, March 28th, 2003
Addressed to: Everyone
We've been getting numerous complaints about conflicts arising related
to the recent brief war between Bloodloch and Ashtan. As there is
obviously some confusion, let me clarify the purpose of the war system
with regard to player vs. player conflict.
If you are a member of a city militia and your city is at war with
another city, you may attack any member of that opposing city's militia
at any time, without restriction or administrative intervention - so
long as your two cities are in a formal state of war. Otherwise, normal
PK guidelines apply - meaning that you should not wantonly attack people
without a legitimate in-character reason.
Joining the militia is the ONLY way you can legitimately claim to be
fighting for your city when attacking enemy militia. The administration
does not at this time recognize mercenary clans and the like who claim
the privelege of attacking enemy militia without suffering the penalties
of being in the militia (militia members do not enjoy divine grace and
are easily identifiable as militia members in their honors). If you're
not in the militia, war gives you no special exemptions.
I should note, however, that if you invade a city as an enemy, you
should expect that ALL its citizens, militia or otherwise, will come to
the city's defense to drive you out. That's a risk you take when
invading someone's home.
Penned by my hand on the 15th of Severin, in the year 96 MA.