Aetolian Game News
Recent updates
Written by: Varian the Celestine
Date: Friday, January 10th, 2003
Addressed to: Everyone
Following are some of the many minor changes made in the past few days:
-Divisions were splittable smaller than the minimum purchaseable size
-Newly-purchased guards would sometimes wander off without being ordered
to patrol
-Members of a city Security Ministry could not read the MILLOG
-Commodities for sale in city comm shops did not always show up on the
WARES list
-Various behind-the-scenes commodity production bugs
-Many typos throughout the game
-Staffcast did not result in kai energy
-SPURring a mount skyward did not use balance
-The loki venom would sometimes cause an untrapped error
-You could propose to yourself
-Blackjack tables were not correctly handling the condition of blackjack
on split hands
-Rats' movements could be seen by sleeping people
-The vengeance ability could affect mistformed vampires.
-Monks' tripblock could trip people not in the same room in some cases
Additionally, we are very much aware of the current commodity shortage
and are actively working to bring it back into balance. What we will not
be doing is dumping huge amounts of commodities on the market, because
that would only throw off the market equilibrium and make it harder to
balance the system in the long term. We have also isolated and fixed
some bugs that were reducing the commodity production from captured
territory. Almost nothing was lost though, as the cities are just now
beginning to capture any significant numbers of productive locations.
Small changes have also been made to many of the war-related help files,
including HELP COMMSHOPS which mentions the locations of two new village
commodity shops in the land.
Your feedback has been very helpful so far both in finding bugs and
planning for additions to the system.
Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Haernos, in the year 89 MA.