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Announce News Post #3731

Classleads February 2025 - part 3

Written by: Keroc, the Starborn
Date: Monday, March 10th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey folks,

Following up on the affliction audit, per report 3585:

As warned on our Discord, we're going to be doing a renaming of a bunch of afflictions to improve the consistency of grammar in certain messages, and just to fit them in a little better with our class skills and themes. This also includes generalising some names a bit so they can be used more widely, and reducing a bit of naming overlap with existing afflictions.

Other then that, please let me know if you run into any bugs!

- Vocalizing Berserking is now renamed to Enraging.
- Mentis Berserking is now renamed to Mania.
- Mentis Lovers is now renamed to Infatuation.
- Hypnosis Berserking is now renamed to Mania.

- Spirituality Battle / Subjugation Spur syntax has been changed:
* It is now ANGEL BATTLE [target] <affliction> for Spirituality.
* And OSSO SPUR [target] <affliction> for Subjugation.

- Bladefire Disrupt / Chirography Birne have new messages.

- Renamed 'blood_curse' into 'psychosis'.
- Renamed 'blood_poison' into 'sepsis'.
- Renamed 'self-pity' into 'self_pity'.
- Renamed 'blighted' into 'blight'.
- Renamed 'infested' into 'infestation'.
- Renamed 'merciful' into 'mercy'.
- Renamed 'egocentric' into 'egocentrism'.
- Renamed 'berserking' into 'mania'.
- Renamed 'exhausted' into 'exhaustion'.
- Renamed 'thin_blood' into 'dyscrasia'.
- Renamed 'mental_disruption' into 'delirium'.
- Renamed 'physical_disruption' into 'extravasation'.
- Renamed 'limp_veins' into 'hypotension'.
- Renamed 'lovers_effect' into 'infatuation'.
- Renamed 'perplexed' into 'perplexity'.
- Renamed 'heartflutter' into 'arrhythmia'.

- The following afflictions have new cure messages:
* Psychosis, sepsis, dyscrasia, delirium, extravasation, and hypotension.
- The following afflictions have new diagnose messages:
* Psychosis, dyscrasia, self pity, delirium, extravasation, and hypotension.

- Fixed 'blight' from Boosted Spines / Pathogen not crediting the caster.
- Fixed 'infestation' from Boosted Infest / Infiltrative not crediting the caster.
- The 'psychosis' affliction is now longer considered a physical affliction.
- Added 'vertigo' firstaid discovery to a few symptom messages.

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 7th of Ios, in the year 10 AC.

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