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Announce News Post #3725

Welcoming a new staff member!

Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Sunday, March 2nd, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone

Behind the scenes over the last week, Emellan and I have been in discussion with Iron Realms Entertainment's decision-makers in hopes of preparing a surprise for the community.

Today, I am writing to reveal that surprise by announcing Aetolia's newest addition to the staff team: Watson!

For those unfamiliar with Watson, he's been a volunteer with us for several years and has been responsible for a lot of content behind the scenes that you'll be familiar with, including the Royal Vaults of Glandor, Oblivion's Portent, and Bonro. He's also been a deft hand helping us out greatly during major events such as the Monomachy and Qor Qogol!

Watson will be taking up the role of Assistant Producer alongside Keroc and Emellan. He will primarily be working on content creation alongside Emellan, with a focus on quest and event support, building projects, and all the fancy bells and whistles his personal events are known for.

This is a very exciting time for Aetolia and a testament to the continually strong support we've received from all of you throughout this past year. We're eternally grateful for your optimism and love of the game world and we're very excited to be working with Watson in this increased capacity. You can expect our commitment to consistent content, story events, and overall development of the game to continue on at a strong pace.

Once again, welcome Watson and thank you to everybody who made this decision possible!

Penned by my hand on Closday, the 13th of Sapiarch, in the year 10 AC.

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