Aetolian Game News
War Proposals
Written by: Keroc, the Starborn
Date: Thursday, January 30th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
Hello folks,
The War Ministry now has access to a variety of proposals that can be offered during a war. These proposals are not tied to the treaty system to keep things a little more simple, as their outcomes are fairly uniform.
It is entirely up to you and the opposing faction whether you find the terms agreeable or not.
Proposals During War
- Propose a truce to all linked parties within the current war. Each
party will need to agree to the truce and will have 3 minutes to
respond. Only the War Minister or city leader may do this,
and it must be done from the War Room.
- Once in a truce, it will last for <x> amount of IRL hours. All
division orders will be unavailable during this time and territory
timers will be frozen until the truce ends.
- If another party declares war on any organization linked in the
war, then the truce will be immediately nullified.
- Truces cannot be otherwise broken until it expires.
- If you have been offered a truce, this is how you accept it. Only
the War Minister or city leader may do this.
- This will propose an armistice to all linked parties within the
current war. Each party will need to agree to the armistice and
will have 3 minutes to respond. Only the War Minister or city
leader may do this, and it must be done from the War Room.
- Once an armistice is agreed upon, it will remain in effect until
the end of the war. During the given hours, all division orders
will be unavailable and all territory timers will become frozen
until the current armistice period ends.
- Times are given in 24 hour clock as GMT, for example 1400 would
be 14:00 GMT. The armistice period will repeat every IRL day.
- If another party declares war on any organization linked in the
war, then the armistice will be immediately nullified.
- An armistice cannot be otherwise broken, so ensure that you
understand the consequences of agreement before doing so.
- If you have been offered an armistice, this is how you accept it. Only
the War Minister or city leader may do this.
You can find these commands at any time under HELP WAR, if you need to refer to them again later.
Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 23rd of Chakros, in the year 9 AC.