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Announce News Post #3666

Spying policies

Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Thursday, August 1st, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Hi folks,

After careful consideration and discussion amongst the team, we have decided to implement a change to our policies in regards to spy roleplay. From now on, it is prohibited to join a city with the intent to spy on that city or otherwise sabotage their efforts in any way. If you are joining a city, you must be joining in good faith.

There's several reasons for this change, but largely the existence of this style of spying breeds distrust in cities, creates a toxic environment, and encourages people to exclude well-intended citizens in favour of a trusted clique.

You may still engage in normal espionage methods (e.g. eavesdropping), and the rules surrounding these are unchanged.

You may find this in the Spying section under HELP POLICIES for future reference.

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 7th of Lexadian, in the year 5 AC.

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