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Announce News Post #3664

War & Condemnment

Written by: Keroc, the Starborn
Date: Thursday, July 18th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

There is now a new command for the war system:

- Publicly condemn another city for their recent actions. This
is the first step towards declaring war, placing your relations with
the organization into a 'strained' state. This status will expire after
7 IRL days. Only the city leader may do this, and it must be done
from the city's council room.

Along with this addition are a few important changes you should be aware of:

- You can no longer start a war until 2 IRL days of 'strained' relations has passed.
- You can only declare your surrender while relations are 'strained' and not once war is declared.
* Once war is declared, you will have to use the treaty system to negotiate your surrender.

This should give everyone ample time to prepare and gauge interest if it looks as though war is going to begin knocking at your door, as well as solve some issues with old method of surrender.


Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 25th of Omeian, in the year 5 AC.

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