Aetolian Game News
Gala Iosai Reminder!
Written by: Iosyne, the Muse
Date: Wednesday, January 30th, 2002
Addressed to: Everyone
Come share in a celebration of creativity, with an opulent setting,
superb food and drink, displays, entertainment, and games!
The Gala will begin about two Aetolian days after the upcoming howling
(the howling is midnight GMT, and an Aetolian day is approximately one
real hour).
Remember there will be events for everyone to enjoy, but if you want to
participate in the various artistic, performance, and writing
competitions you must submit your entry as soon as possible! Kallei, in
the registration tent east of Delos, can answer most questions, but do
not hesitate to message Me if you still feel something is unclear.
Also remember that you can enter up to three works in each contest
To aid the judging process, we should have received all entries by the
beginning of the festival. If you cannot meet this deadline, send a
message to Me immediately.
Penned by my hand on the 24th of Khepary, in the year 62 MA.