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Announce News Post #2817

The Tournament of Luck!

Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Friday, March 16th, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone

We're in search of Aetolia's luckiest individual!

Come take part in the Tournament of Luck, tomorrow at 23:00 GMT! That's one hour before the howling! Check EVENTS for precise timing.

The Tournament of Luck is a knockout tournament held in the Esterport arena. Each individual match-up will be determined by a game of chance picked at random. Win this game of chance, and advance to the next match-up! The loser, of course, is kicked out of the tournament. Whoever advances to the very end and wins will be crowned Aetolia's luckiest individual. The final match will ALWAYS be determined by a coin toss. No skill allowed here!

Here's a list of the games of chance that will be randomly selected, subject to change:

Coin Toss
This game will only happen in the final match! Either you or your opponent must GUESS <HEADS|TAILS> - first come first serve. Whoever doesn't enter the guess will automatically have the opposite choice assigned to them. The winner of the tournament will be decided by if the coin lands on your guess, or your opponent's guess. Good luck!

Aetolia's variant of rock-paper-scissors. Stone beats sword, sword beats cloth, and cloth beats stone! You and your opponent must enter PICK <STONE|CLOTH|SWORD> and whoever gets the advantage will win! If you both pick the same thing, this will repeat until one of you wins.

Number Guess
A number will be selected in the range of 1 to 1,000,000 (one million). You and your opponent get one guess each at what that number is by doing GUESS <number>. Once you have both entered your guess, the number is revealed and whoever guessed the closest will advance! A tie will cause this game to repeat until one of you wins.

Random Room
You and your opponent will be transported to the same room. A goal room will be picked at random in the arena, but not revealed to you. Your mission is to wander aimlessly through the arena until one of you discovers the goal room. First person to stumble upon it will advance!

Dodge the Meteorites
For some inexplicable reason, meteorites are falling upon the arena. Every five seconds, meteorites will hit 1/3rd of the arena's rooms. Being struck three times will kill you! First person to reach three strikes is OUT. Unless you both reach three strikes at the same time, in which case this game will keep going until one of you doesn't get hit, and the other does.

Poker Hand
Three cards will be dealt to the table. You and your opponent will take alternate turns doing DRAW CARD two times to receive your personal cards. Whoever has the highest scoring poker hand (HELP POKER HANDS) will advance! If it's a tie, it'll restart. You can also SHUFFLE DECK on your turn as many times as you want to change what card will be on the top of the deck. But since you won't know what it is either way, there's not really any point!

The winner of the Tournament of Luck will receive 200 credits, and a fame line noting them as Aetolia's luckiest individual!
Losers get nothing, we're only interested in winners here.

BONUS PRIZE: If you play a round of Number Guess, and you guess what the number is exactly, you'll receive 1000 credits!

May the odds be ever in your favour!

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 10th of Ios, in the year 472 MA.

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