Aetolian Game News
The Gala Iosai!
Written by: Varian the Celestine
Date: Friday, January 18th, 2002
Addressed to: Everyone
A festival for the enjoyment of art-loving guests and aspiring artisans,
performers, and writers is soon to be held! A great competition of the
creative skills of all Aetolians will take place in a number of
contests, with prizes to delight and friendly rivalry to thrill. The
opening of the festival will take place about two Aetolian days after
the howling that ends the 30th of January.
The wondrous splendors of the gala shall include games, displays, gifts,
dancing, and a grand feast. Events will be held for the enjoyment and
participation of all, and the judged competitions will include
performance, poetry reading, painting, sculpture, music, and both
professional and amateur tailoring.
Kallei, a disciple of Iosyne stands within the first and only currently
open tent of the elaborate grounds, ready to answer any questions about
the festival. The tent is located just north off of the eastward path
from Delos, near the seashore.
The regular Bardic and Artisanal contests this month are integrated with
the festival, so continue to submit new works. But also, all
competitions will allow for up to three entries by one person in each
specialty, including works that have previously won an award in the
Bardic and Artisanal contests.
Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Midsummer, in the year 61 MA.