The Ylemnics Manual

Rappu, the Ylemnics tinkerer

Lanosian 488 MA


Ylemnics is the study of ylem-powered enchantments, called blocks. It is also the term used to describe the process by which these enchantments are powered by ylem. This process was invented by Rappu, a young Kobold originally from Rock Bottom. She has now moved to Esterport, where she operates a workshop.

The benefit of Ylemnics is that it allows individuals to create useful contraptions from basic building blocks. A few examples:


Blocks are the fundamental parts from which a ylemnic circuit is built. Each block manipulates ylem in order to fulfill a specific purpose, such as reacting to an individual touching it. All blocks receive input from the environment or another block, perform some sort of action and interact back with other blocks or the environment.

There are seven types of blocks, which are described in depth further in this manual:

Certain blocks can be tweaked to react differently or attuned to certain objects. This is elaborated in a further section.



Thaumizers are special containers which primarily hold the blocks comprising a ylemnic circuit. However, they also hold keys which are used by certain blocks to manipulate locked chests and doors. In order to power blocks, thaumizers may also contain ylem shards which are ground into a fine dust.

Blocks are installed onto a seven by seven grid to form a circuit. It is possible to have multiple, independent circuits on one thaumizer. In these cases, a circuit is simply a series of properly connected blocks between an anticipator and an exhibitor.

Most interactions with a circuit are exerted onto a thaumizer. You can see what kind of actions are possible, as well as the amount of energy available by probing a thaumizer:

This thaumizer anticipates: pressing, entering, dialing, turning, and dropping.
It holds 6020 units of ylem dust.
It has been dyed through the use of a dyekit.

The first line shows the various actions which can be used on this thaumizer. The second line shows the current amount of energy available, with a maximum of 28,000 units. One ylem shard adds 7,000 units of energy when placed into a thaumizer. As you can see, it is also possible to use a dyekit and change the color of a thaumizer, for easier identification.



Schematics allow you to safeguard or share the circuits of your own thaumizers. You can have up to twenty schematics of your own, and you may provide a small description of your schematic.

Schematics may be shared with other Ylemnists. Note, however, that this grants them a separate independent copy, which also includes all the tweaked information. This means that if you created a circuit which requires a secret number to activate, they will be able to see it, eep!

Should you have the required blocks to assemble it, you may install the circuit of a schematic onto a thaumizer at a specified location. SCHEMATIC <thaumizer> DETAILS will show whether you have every required blocks to assemble, or not.


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This section will guide you through building your first contraption. As a bonus, this is the same contraption required to pass the first examination. Once completed, this will make you adept in Ylemnics.

  1. Head to Rappu’s workshop at v66405 and obtain the following items:

  2. Now, head somewhere quiet and DROP the thaumizer. This is where we will be installing the blocks required for this simple circuit.

  3. INSPECT the thaumizer, and you should see an empty seven by seven grid.

  4. Now INSTALL PRS IN THAUMIZER and INSTALL LIT IN THAUMIZER. If you inspect the thaumizer, you should now see:

    You inspect a gray-accented ylemnic thaumizer:
           A       B       C       D       E       F       G
       +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ X
       |      X|   @  X|       |       |       |       |       |
     1 |  PRS  |  LIT  |       |       |       |       |       |
       |   v   |       |       |       |       |       |       |
       |       |       |

    Some notes:

  5. Now that our blocks are installed, let’s talk about what we are looking at:

  6. Now let’s tweak our blocks so they can communicate to each other:

  7. As you can see, now the PRS block outputs into the LIT block. Your circuit is complete, so it should now work! Try it with PRESS THAUMIZER.

  8. You may notice that the thaumizer does not light up due to lacking energy. This is because we need to put some ylem shards into the thaumizer. Do PUT SHARD IN THAUMIZER and try pressing the thaumizer again.

  9. Tada! You’ve now created your first Ylemnics contraption. If it still didn’t work, make sure you did DROP the thaumizer earlier. Thaumizers will not work in your inventory.

  10. Bonus: Certain blocks can be tweaked to modify their function slightly. For example, try to TWEAK THAUMIZER B1 VALUE 13 and press the thaumizer again. You should see it light up with magenta light! To see what kind of tweaks a block can receive, simply use TWEAK THAUMIZER <coordinates> or TWEAK THAUMIZER <coordinates> VALUE.

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Working with Ylemnics


Thaumizers must be placed on the ground to work. They may also be dyed with the use of a dyekit, to ease in identification.

Inspecting a thaumizer (INSPECT <thaumizer>) will show you the grid arrangement of blocks on it. You are also able to inspect it in more details (INSPECT <thaumizer> DETAILS) to see more specifics about each block.

Blocks, Tweaking and Attuning

Blocks may be tweaked to modify their functionality in some way. A few examples:

However, certain blocks must be attuned rather than tweaked. Typically, these are blocks linked to a specific door, chest or thaumizer. This must be done with the block in your inventory. See AB YLEMNICS TWEAK for details.

You can INSPECT <block> to see information on a block in your inventory, or you can TWEAK <thaumizer> <coords> to see information on an installed block.

Note: Blocks continue to decay while installed into thaumizers.


You may use ylem shards obtained via your respective Research Minister to fuel a thaumizer. A thaumizer can hold up to 28,000 units of ylem, and each shard provides 7,000 units. To do so, simply PUT SHARD IN THAUMIZER. Anyone is able to do this, regardless of whether they own the thaumizer or not.

Each block uses a specific amount of energy when it is evaluated, which you can find via INSPECT <block>. Generally speaking, perceivers are the least power hungry blocks, whereas remotely operating exhibitors (e.g. LKD, GLD) and the TMR block require the most.


Part of the function of a thaumizer is remote lock manipulation. A thaumizer contains five slots in which keys may be installed (via PUT KEY IN THAUMIZER). The keys serve as proof that you have access to the chest or door in question.

Though a thaumizer can, in theory, open any doors, it only works on wooden chests crafted by a woodcrafter. Most of the time these are plain wooden chests, but they do not need to be. Thaumizers will not work on any other containers or furniture, even if they can be locked.

Note: Rappu’s giant pet vulture has an affinity towards keys laying on the ground, as well as a highly accute sense of sight. If a key was inside a thaumizer, and that thaumizer decays, it will find it. The bird will return the key(s) to you the next time you find yourself outdoors.

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In order to advance within the Ylemnics skillset, you will need to pass eight (8) examinations with the help of an EXM block. The EXM block is a special block which grades a circuit once it has been triggered, assuming it has been installed in the thaumizer. As it is a special block, it can be installed anywhere. The block itself holds no information, rather basing its decision on the owner of the thaumizer.

In order to begin the examinations, you will need to acquire the following from Rappu’s workshop (at v66405):

You will need to acquire the appropriate blocks for each examination, although there is some overlap. Once you have installed your circuit correctly, simply trigger the thaumizer while the EXM block is also installed.

Note: There is a public lockable chest in Rappu’s workshop which you can use. Simply ASK RAPPU ABOUT THE KEY.

Exam 1: Principles of Anticipation

This first examination demonstrates the basic idea behind blocks and thaumizers. Blocks are placed on a thaumizer, then moved and tweaked in order to build something useful.

Blocks trigger adjacent blocks which are properly connected, meaning that a side tweaked as an output feeds into a side tweaked as an input. Any other combination of adjacent sides will prevent two blocks from interacting. It should also be noted that exhibitors treat their one output side as an input, since they could be considered output blocks themselves.


Your task for this examination is to build a circuit using the blocks in the materials list. This circuit should trigger a LIT block when the thaumizer is interacted with.

Bonus: The LIT block can be tweaked with a different color. See AB YLEMNICS TWEAK for information.


Exam 2: Introduction to Environmental Awareness

Obviously, two block circuits can only go so far. The second examination demonstrates two further points:


Your task for this examination is to build a circuit which displays the current time of the day when someone enters the room.

Bonus: If you used a different anticipator for the first exam, re-install it in your finished circuit. Tweak the block to connect to the anticipator you use for this circuit. You will then notice that you are able to trigger the same circuit via either interactions!


Exam 3: Combinatorics Primer

This examination explores two new blocks: VAR and CTR. The VAR block is useful for providing another block with a specific value. The CTR block counts by adding the value(s) it receives, and outputs the result.

There are multiple ways to arrange blocks this time. As previously mentioned, a snake-like formation works fine. However, this time, the VAR block could be fed into the CTR block from different sides.

To set the value of a VAR block, use TWEAK <thaumizer> <coords> VALUE <value>.


Your task for this examination is to build a circuit which increments a number each time it is triggered. The EXM block will look for a final value of 25, so you can increment by one or five!


Exam 4: Intermediate Arithmetics

Maaaaaaaaths. This time we introduce mathematical operators. Don’t worry, it will be basic arithmetic - and if you do it right, it will even do the math for you! As with the previous examination, there are multiple ways to setup this circuit. As long as your anticipators are feeding into your operator block, it should be good.


Your task is to build a one-operation calculating machine. Pick between ADD, SUB, MUL or DIV, as long as the result is 100, you will pass this examination.


Exam 5: Studies in Decision-making

Sometimes you may wish for a circuit to only work based on certain conditions. This is where conditionals come into play. This examination introduces blocks which will allow you to cut the flow of a signal if a condition is not met.

All conditionals work the same: If the block’s condition is met, given its two inputs, it continues on. Otherwise, evaluation of the circuit past this conditional stops.


Your task is to create a circuit which lights up when a specific item is dropped in the room. As a quick reference, the DRP block emits the replica number of an item that is dropped.


Exam 6: Remote Objective Manipulation

You should now be familiar with the basics of what a thaumizer can do. Things get slightly more involved when we start introducing external items into the mix.

This examination introduces a block which can manipulate chests. Since circuits installed into a thaumizer can only be viewed by its owner, it is possible to store unique values which nobody else will be able to see. This task takes advantage of this feature.


Your task is to create a passcode-protected chest, which when dialing a specific value, opens a chest. The passcode can be anything you wish, as the exam will only be graded by whether a chest is opened or closed by the thaumizer.


Exam 7: Advanced Containerization

Besides opening and closing chests, it is also possible to gather items from them. This examination makes use of the GLD block, which can be attuned to a chest. When activated, it will make the attuned chest drop gold amounting to the value it receives.

Some important facts which may help with this examination:

For the purposes of this exam, this means that in order for the GLD to receive a proper value, you must activate a VAR block tweaked to the proper value. This VAR block should then be connected to the GLD block.


Your task is to create a simple slot machine. When activated, it should generate a random number using RND, which is displayed via a NUM block. If the generated number matches a specific number, have a chest give out some amount of gold using a GLD block. This can be no gold at all, as the exam will be graded successfully even if there are no chests linked to the GLD block.


Exam 8: Signal Transmission

The final examination introduces the RCV and SND block, which receive and send values from/to thaumizers respectively. This greatly expands the capabilities of Ylemnics, as thaumizers can be far apart and still communicate.

This exam is not as complex as the previous one, though it will require you to obtain a second thaumizer. The materials list describes only the blocks required for the receiving thaumizer, which is where you should also place your EXM block. The method by which your first thaumizer transmits the proper value is left to you.


Your task is to link two thaumizers together. Have the transmitting thaumizer transmit the value 123456. The receiving thaumizer should simply receive this value and output it straight into a NUM block.


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Use the following diagram as a reference when reading this section.

  |       |
b |  ADD  | c
  |   v   |

In this diagram:


Anticipators are blocks which allow individuals and the environment to interact with a thaumizer. They are what triggers the evaluation of a ylemnic circuit. Certain anticipators provide identical functionality, to allow for two buttons, for example.

Some facts about anticipators:


Buttons output a fixed value when activated.

PRS a press anticipating block
Emits a value of one (1) when a thaumizer is pressed. Otherwise, nothing.
PSH a push anticipating block
Emits a value of one (1) when a thaumizer is pushed. Otherwise, nothing.
TCH a touch anticipating block
Emits a value of one (1) when a thaumizer is touched. Otherwise, nothing.


Dials output a specified value when activated.

DIA an anticipator of dialing block
Emits the value which the block is set to when dialed. For example DIAL <thaumizer> 15 will emit a value of 15. This block remembers the last specified value.
TRN an anticipator of turning block
Emits the value which the block is set to when turned. For example TURN <thaumizer> 15 will emit a value of 15. This block remembers the last specified value.
TWS an anticipator of twisting block
Emits the value which the block is set to when twisted. For example TWIST <thaumizer> 15 will emit a value of 15. This block remembers the last specified value.

Movement Detection

These blocks detect when someone enters or leaves a room.

Note: These blocks are easily fooled by nearly every form of stealth or magical transportation.

ENT an arrival anticipating block
Emits a value of one (1) when someone enters the room.
LVE a departure anticipating block
Emits a value of one (1) when someone leaves the room.

Item Detection

These blocks detect when someone drops or picks up an item in the room.

DRP a drop anticipating block
Emits the replica number of the item dropped in the room. If the item is a stack, then it will be that stack’s number. If it is multiple individual items, the last item would be used.
PCK a take anticipating block
Emits the replica number of the item picked up from the room. If the item is a stack, then it will be that stack’s number. If it is multiple individual items, the last item would be used.

Wireless Reception

RCV a ylemnic receiver block
Emits the value it receives from a ylemnic transmitter block on another thaumizer.


TMR a ylemnic hourglass block
Emits a value of one (1) when it counts down to zero from its internally stored duration.
This block must be tweaked with a non-zero duration between 300 and 86400 seconds.


Exhibitors allow a thaumizer to interact with the outside world. This includes simple functionality such as lights and buzzers, up to more advanced actions such as unlocking doors and chests remotely.

Some facts about exhibitors:

Basic Displays

LIT a ylemnic lantern block
This exhibitor will light up for a moment after receiving a non-zero value. It may be tweaked with a color (See COLORS).
NUM a number exhibiting block
This exhibitor displays the number it receives.
CLK a time exhibiting block

This exhibitor displays the time of the day, based on the non-zero value it receives. Any values outside of the following range will be wrapped around. Possible values are:

(1) dawn      (4) noon       (7) dusk       (10) midnight
(2) sunrise   (5) afternoon  (8) twilight   (11) deep in the night
(3) morning   (6) evening    (9) night      (12) early morning


Buzzers are various blocks which simply make a sound in a room when activated.

R01 a tinkle exhibiting block
This exhibitor makes a sound in the room when they receive a non-zero value.
R02 a buzz exhibiting block
This exhibitor makes a sound in the room when they receive a non-zero value.
R03 a chirp exhibiting block
This exhibitor makes a sound in the room when they receive a non-zero value.
R04 a croak exhibiting block
This exhibitor makes a sound in the room when they receive a non-zero value.
R05 a quack exhibiting block
This exhibitor makes a sound in the room when they receive a non-zero value.

Door Manipulation

These blocks manipulate lockable doors remotely. They must be attuned to a door for which there is a key inserted in the thaumizer.

LKD a door locking block
This exhibitor will lock or unlock the door it is attuned to, if it receives a non-zero value.
OPD a door opening block
This exhibitor will open or close the door it is attuned to, if it receives a non-zero value. The door does not need to be unlocked first.

Chest Manipulation

These blocks manipulate lockable chests remotely. They must be attuned to a chest for which there is a key inserted in the thaumizer.

LKC a chest locking block
This exhibitor will lock or unlock the chest it is attuned to, if it receives a non-zero value.
OPC a chest opening block
This exhibitor will open or close the chest it is attuned to, if it receives a non-zero value. The chest does not need to be unlocked first.
GET an item retrieving block
This exhibitor will make the chest it is attuned to drop an item. If the value it receives matches the item number of an item inside, it will drop that item. Otherwise, it will drop a random item.
GLD a gold retrieving block
This exhibitor will make the chest it is attuned to drop gold. It will drop the amount it receives as a value, if it is positive.

Wireless Transmission

SND a ylemnic transmitter block
This exhibitor transmits the value it receives to a ylemnic receiver on the thaumizer it is attuned to.
This block must be attuned to another thaumizer of identical ownership. Although you can attune it to the thaumizer it will be installed in, this block can only communicate with other thaumizers.


Perceivers provide a way for a thaumizer to assess the current state of something in the environment.

Fire and Flood Detection

FIR a blaze perceiving block
This perceiver emits a value of one (1) if the room is on fire, otherwise zero (0).
WAT a flood perceiving block
This perceiver emits a value of one (1) if the room is flooded, otherwise zero (0).

Time Detection

SEA a season perceiving block

This perceiver emits a value corresponding to the current season. Possible values are:

(1) winter      (2) spring      (3) summer      (4) autumn
TIM a time perceiving block

This perceiver emits a value corresponding to the current time of the day. Possible values are:

(1) dawn      (4) noon       (7) dusk       (10) midnight
(2) sunrise   (5) afternoon  (8) twilight   (11) deep in the night
(3) morning   (6) evening    (9) night      (12) early morning

Rather than beginning at midnight, it has been made so that values 1 to 6 correspond to daytime, and values 7 to 12 to night time.

Energy Detection

BAT an energy counting block
This perceiver emits the percentage of ylem dust left in the thaumizer, as a value between 0 and 100. Expect iffy precision in certain cases!


Counters deal with various amounts in the world or generated magically.

Room-based Counters

RPC a presence counting block
This counter emits the amount of people in the room.
RIC an item counting block
This counter emits the amount of items in the room. It will not count higher than 255.

Chest-based Counters

These blocks must be attuned to a lockable chest for which there is a key inserted in the thaumizer.

CIC a chest item counting block
This counter emits the amount of items in a chest.
CGC a chest gold counting block
This counter emits the amount of gold in a chest.

Misc Counters

RND a chaotically counting block
This counter emits a random number between 1 and its interal tweaked value. It may be tweaked with a number, which represents the maximum value.
VAR a number containing block
This block emits the value contained within. It may be tweaked with a number.
CTR a counting block
This counter emits its internal value, after adding the value it receives to it. It may be cleared by tweaking its value or reinstalling the block.


Operators perform a mathematical operation on multiple inputs. Please reference the diagram at the beginning of the Reference section of this document.

Basic Operators

These blocks perform simple arithmetic. If they only have a single valid input, they simply pass the value through.

ADD an additively operating block
This block emits the result of a [+ b [+ c]].
SUB a subtractively operating block
This block emits the result of a [- b [- c]].
MUL a multiplicatively operating block
This block emits the result of a [* b [* c]].
DIV a dividingly operating block
This block emits the result of a [/ b [/ c]]. A division by zero will cause the thaumizer to overheat momentarily.
MOD a remainder operating block
This block emits the result of a [% b [% c]] where % is the modulo operator. Finding a modulus of zero will cause the thaumizer to overheat momentarily.

Logic Operators

These blocks perform logical operations. In this case, a one (1) means true, and a zero (0) means false. Non-zero inputs will be interpreted as a one (1).

AND a logical multiplying block
This block emits the result of a [AND b [AND c]] where AND is sometimes known as the & operator.
OOR a logical adding block
This block emits the result of a [OR b [OR c]] where OR is sometimes known as the | operator.


These blocks assess a condition between two inputs. All conditionals will emit a one (1) if the condition is true, otherwise the block will appear non-existent to connected blocks. This means that a false condition will stop the circuit past the conditional block.

Some facts about conditionals:

EQN an equality deciding block
This block emits the result of a == b as in “is a equal to b?”
NEQ a non-equality deciding block
This block emits the result of a != b as in “is a not equal to b?”
GEQ a greater equality deciding block
This block emits the result of a >= b as in “is a greater or equal to b?”
LEQ a lesser equality deciding block
This block emits the result of a <= b as in “is a lesser or equal to b?”
GTH a greatness deciding block
This block emits the result of a > b as in “is a greater than b?”
LTH a lessness deciding block
This block emits the result of a < b as in “is a less than b?”

Special Blocks

Special blocks currently consist only of access controlling blocks. By default, a thaumizer may be used by anyone. A thaumizer’s owner will also always have access, regardless of which special blocks are installed.

It is possible to install multiple special blocks. Doing so will broaden the population of individuals which may use the thaumizer. For example, installing the TSH block and the ENO block translates to: “Any Shadow-tethered individuals and anyone from Enorian may use this thaumizer.” It does not translate to needing to be a Shadow-tethered Enorianite, as that would be silly!

Some facts about special blocks:

Limits to Tethers

TSH a shadow-inscribed limiting block
Limits access to people from the Shadow tether.
TSP a spirit-inscribed limiting block
Limits access to people from the Spirit tether.

Limits to Cities

DUI an acorn-inscribed limiting block
Limits access to people from Duiran.
SPI an ice-inscribed limiting block
Limits access to people from Spinesreach.
ENO a fire-inscribed limiting block
Limits access to people from Enorian.
BLO a blood-inscribed limiting block
Limits access to people from Bloodloch.

Misc Limiters

FRD a friendly limiting block
This special block limits access to a specified list of individuals. It may be tweaked with a list of up to twenty-five (25) individuals.

Note: If used alongside a tether or city limiting block, it may make it impossible for an individual to use your thaumizer.

ONE a fairly limiting block
This special block remembers who interacts with a thaumizer, allowing them to do so only once. It must be reinstalled to clear the remembered individuals.

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There are some common issues you may run into when interacting with a thaumizer. This section describes the causes for such issues.

Note: Signals can only pass through approximately twenty (20) blocks before the signal dies down.

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