23.3.15 Stat-Altering Artifacts

AP: L1, L2, L3 constitution
    A girdle of fortitude, increases constitution.
    - L1 constitution  +1 Con                     500 cr
    - L2 constitution  +2 Con                    1000 cr
    - L3 constitution  +3 Con                    2000 cr

AP: L1, L2, L3 critical_chance
    Bracers of devastation, increases chance of scoring critical hits every time a blow is landed on an NPC.
    - L1 critical_chance   2% increase            300 cr
    - L2 critical_chance   4% increase            600 cr
    - L3 critical_chance   6% increase           1200 cr

AP: L1, L2, L3 dexterity
    Boots of dexterity, increases dexterity.
    - L1 dexterity     +1 Dex                     625 cr
    - L2 dexterity     +2 Dex                    1250 cr
    - L3 dexterity     +3 Dex                    2500 cr

AP: endurance          a ring of endurance        250 cr
    - Increases rate of endurance regeneration.

AP: L1, L2, L3 enhancement
    Increases max health and max mana by 5% for each level of the power. Only one item with this power works at a time.
    - L1 enhancement    5% Increase               350 cr
    - L2 enhancement   10% Increase               700 cr
    - L3 enhancement   15% Increase              1400 cr

AP: equilibrium_recovery  a silver crown          100 cr
    - Reduces the time it takes to recover equilibrium by about 7%.

AP: focused_meditation  a trio of med balls       150 cr
   - While meditating, none of your mana-draining defences will impose their drains upon you.

AP: L1, L2, L3 heal_bonus
    A wooden ring of vigour, increases the amount of health that is restored when using a health elixir.
    - L1 heal_bonus    10%                        500 cr
    - L2 heal_bonus    20%                       1000 cr
    - L3 heal_bonus    30%                       2000 cr

AP: L1, L2, L3 heal_mana_bonus
    A flowing ring of clarity, increases the amount of mana that is restored when using a mana elixir.
    - L1 heal_mana_bonus  10%                     500 cr
    - L2 heal_mana_bonus  20%                    1000 cr
    - L3 heal_mana_bonus  30%                    2000 cr

AP: L1, L2, L3 intelligence
    A silk sash of intellect, increases intelligence.
    - L1 intelligence  +1 Int                     625 cr
    - L2 intelligence  +2 Int                    1250 cr
    - L3 intelligence  +3 Int                    2500 cr

AP: mana_boon          robes of the magi         1000 cr
    - Cuts your mana usage by one third.

AP: mana_regeneration  bracelet of revitalization  700 cr
    - Provides 5% natural mana regeneration.

AP: L1, L2, L3 strength
    A pair of gauntlets of might, increases strength.
    - L1 strength     +1 Str                      625 cr
    - L2 strength     +2 Str                     1250 cr
    - L3 strength     +3 Str                     2500 cr

AP: willpower         a circlet of the will       250 cr
    - Increases rate of willpower regeneration.