23.4.10 Shaman Artifacts
Below are a list of artifact powers that directly affect those of the Shaman class. For additional information on artifacts and artifact powers AP provides a list of the syntax available. OFFENSIVE --------- AP: L1, L2, L3 magic_potence a collar of augmentation Increases damage done for the following attacks: * Primality: Lightning - L1 magic_potence 10% 400 cr - L2 magic_potence 15% 800 cr - L3 magic_potence 20% 1600 cr HUNTING ------- AP: L1, L2, L3 hunt_shaman A tribal totem. The powers will increase the damage the player does to MOBILES ONLY while their current class is the class to which the power is attributed. -L1 hunt_shaman 5% bonus 200 cr -L2 hunt_shaman 10% bonus 400 cr -L3 hunt_shaman 15% bonus 800 cr UTILITY ------- AP: durable_walls an impassable gorget 75 cr - This artifact will triple the length that icewalls, firewalls, thornwalls and lightwalls will stay in existence for before naturally expiring. AP: enhanced_familiars a carven bangle 300 cr - While worn, all familiars summoned will have double the normal health pool. In addition, this will increase familiar damage output by 15%. AP: enhanced_greenfoot a mark of growth 400 cr - Causes the Greenfoot in Naturalism to have no delay when generating overgrowth on entry, and removes the willpower drain. In addition, allows up to 4 rooms of overgrowth to be maintained without generating a willpower drain. AP: songline_expand a carven skull 150 cr - Allow a Shaman to have up to six songline totems around the world. Also improves the speed of Travel for self, and Voyage for mutual allies. Only works for the owner.