Scattering Contention

Essence of Spirit or Shadow will appear every hour in a large radius around the Orrery that extends into the valley of Scidve. You must pick up the essence and then take it anywhere inside the Observatory area and INFUSE ORRERY WITH <essence>, which is a short channeled action. Doing this influences the Orrery towards your supported organization. It does not matter which type of essence you use, both Spirit and Shadow essence will influence the Orrery towards your supported organisation.

During this contention, the Orrery temporarily locks every second day until reaching the last day of the month, i.e. it is open for contest on the 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 22nd, 24th, and 25th. The final day provides one last opportunity to influence the Orrery before it locks for the season and aligns to an organization.

At Midnight at the end of an active day, whichever organization holds alignment of the Orrery will gain an attunement point, and the Orrery will reset to neutral. If an organization reaches 5 attunement points, then the Orrery season will end early.

Mechanics of the globes
+ Be warned, the essence is raw and volatile, and once you pick up the essence it begins dealing damage to its holder, increasing over time. Holding a globe that has essence opposite to your own tether will cause even greater damager to be taken. 
+ Globes sitting on the ground longer than 5 minutes will respawn. If a globe is dropped on the ground after being held by a player, it will respawn within a minute. 
+ During the open periods of the Orrery, it will spawn 20 globes, 10 of each shadow and spirit every hour.
+ Holding a globe will reduce your celerity to the base movement rate.

PK Rules
+ The Orrery is within its own 5 room area, the observatory. This area is considered Open PK, and anybody entering it is fair game.
+ Picking up or holding globes outside of the five room Orrery area does NOT make one Open PK.
+ Normal PK rules apply otherwise.