13.7.1 Cure Order

Afflictions within Aetolia are cured in a specific order when consuming a pill or some other curative. The following lists these orders for convenience.

For example...
Ned is afflicted with recklessness and vertigo.
If Ned eats a depressant pill, recklessness will always be cured before vertigo.

(Note that the marked trees below knock you off curing balance for extended time when utilised.)


Antipsychotic cures:
sadness, confusion, dementia, hallucinations, paranoia, hatred, hypersomnia, addiction, blood curse, and blighted

Euphoriant cures:
self-pity, stupidity, dizziness, faintness, shyness, epilepsy, impatience, dissonance, infested, and insomnia

Decongestant cures:
baldness, clumsiness, hypochondria, weariness, asthma, sensitivity, ringing ears, impairment, and blood poison

Depressant cures:
commitment fear, merciful, recklessness, egocentric, masochism, agoraphobia, loneliness, berserking, vertigo, claustrophobia, and nyctophobia

Coagulation cures:
body odor, lethargy, allergies, mental disruption, physical disruption, vomiting, exhausted, thin blood, rend, and haemophilia

Steroid cures:
hubris, pacifism, peace, agony/accursed, limp veins, lovers effect, laxity, superstition, generosity, justice, and magnanimity

Eucrasia cures:
worrywart, misery, hopelessness, hollow, narcolepsy, perplexed, and self loathing

Opiate cures:
paresis/paralysis, mirroring, crippled body, crippled, blisters, slickness, heartflutter, and slough

Anabiotic cures:
plodding, idiocy, restores health and mana

* Panacea cures:
stormtouched, patterns, and rot


Pill name          Defence
Thanatonin         Deathsight.
Stimulant          Instawake.
Kawhe              Insomnia.
Ototoxin           Deafness.
Amaurosis          Blindness.
Acuity             Thirdeye.
Somnium            Daydreams.
Paste (applied)    Fangbarrier.
Waterbreathing     Waterbreathing.


Willow cures:
aeon, hellsight, and deadening

Yarrow cures:
slickness, withering, disfigurement, migraine, and squelched

Reishi cures:
besilence, gives aura of weapon-rebounding


Elixir                   Effect
* Health                 Restores health
* Mana                   Restores mana
* Infusion               Cures etherflux
* Harmony                Harmony defence for a limited time
Levitation               Levitation defence
Immunity                 Cures voyria
Speed                    Speed defence
Arcane                   Arcane resistance defence
Vigor                    Vigor defence


Epidermal cures:
HEAD: indifference, stuttering, blurry vision, burnt eyes, blindness, gloom, and deafness
TORSO: anorexia and effused blood

Mending cures:
HEAD: crit. bruising, destroyed throat, crippled throat, mod. bruising, and bruising
TORSO: crit. bruising, lightwound, ablaze, cracked ribs, mod. bruising, and bruising
LEFT ARM: crit. bruising, crippled arm, mod. bruising, bruising, and dislocation
RIGHT ARM: crit. bruising, crippled arm, mod. bruising, bruising, and dislocation
LEFT LEG: crit. bruising, crippled leg, mod. bruising, bruising, and dislocation
RIGHT LEG: crit. bruising, crippled leg, mod. bruising, bruising, and dislocation

Soothing cures:
HEAD: whiplash
TORSO: backstrain, muscle spasms, and stiffness
ARMS: sore wrist and weak grip
LEGS: sore ankle

Caloric cures:
TORSO: hypothermia, frozen, frigid, shivering

Mass cures:
TORSO: gives density defence

* Restoration cures:
HEAD: mauled face, mangled head, broken head, voidgaze, and smashed throat
TORSO: collapsed lung, spinal rip, burnt skin, mangled torso, broken torso, crushed chest, heatspear, and deepwound
LEFT ARM: amputated arm, mangled arm, broken arm
RIGHT ARM: amputated arm, mangled arm, broken arm
LEFT LEG: amputated leg, mangled leg, broken leg
RIGHT LEG: amputated leg, mangled leg, broken leg