23.4.9 Sentinel Artifacts
Below are a list of artifact powers that directly affect those of the Sentinel class. For additional information on artifacts and artifact powers AP provides a list of the syntax available. OFFENSIVE --------- AP: L1, L2, L3 statboost - A rune of empowerment, boosts your weapon's stats by 6 points per level of the rune. See disclaimers under HELP WEAPONS ARTIFACTS. L1 statboost +6 points 200 cr L2 statboost +12 points 400 cr L3 statboost +18 points 800 cr *NOTE* Does not improve the balance of your Dhuriv skills. Refer to HELP WEAPONS ARTIFACTS for more information and notes. HUNTING ------- AP: L1, L2, L3 hunt_sentinel A woodland charm. The powers will increase the damage the player does to MOBILES ONLY while their current class is the class to which the power is attributed. -L1 hunt_sentinel 5% bonus 200 cr -L2 hunt_sentinel 10% bonus 400 cr -L3 hunt_sentinel 15% bonus 800 cr UTILITY ------- AP: animal_treats a huntsman's pouch 300 cr - Allows the Sentinel to summon their animal companions instantly no matter the location. It will also double the health of the animals. AP: trap_components 500 cr - For Sentinels with Tracking. Allows one to lay traps with no commodity cost. DISARMing these traps produces no commodities.