23.4.12 Infiltrator Artifacts

Below are a list of artifact powers that directly affect those of the Infiltrator class. For additional information on artifacts and artifact powers AP provides a list of the syntax available.

AP: charm                     a Syssin's shiny charm                400 cr
    - Allows one to SNAP another player and activate hypnosis from phase.

AP: corrosion                 fangs of corrosion                    600 cr
    - Chemically reacts with the sumac and camus venoms secreted from a serpent's bite, enhancing the damage potential of those venoms.

AP: L1, L2, L3 hunters_boon
   Bows of the Hunt           21/35  7%                             350 cr
   Darkbow of the Hunt        23/37 14%                             700 cr
   Lupine Bow of the Hunt     26/38 21.5%                          1400 cr

Hunters_boon Disclaimer: Percentages are the speed increase compared to a darkbow. Aim and Snipe abilities are not included.

AP: phaselock                 a tuning fork                         300 cr
    - Doubles the length your victims will stay in phase for after you abduct them.

AP: L1, L2, L3 hunt_syssin  
    A metallic fang. The powers will increase the damage the player does to MOBILES ONLY while their current class is the class to which the power is attributed.
    -L1 hunt_syssin            5% bonus                             200 cr
    -L2 hunt_syssin           10% bonus                             400 cr
    -L3 hunt_syssin           15% bonus                             800 cr

AP: durable_walls             an impassable gorget                   75 cr
    - This artifact will triple the length that icewalls, firewalls, thornwalls and lightwalls will stay in existence for before naturally expiring.