18.5.3 Crafting Event
The artisans of the land have called for a Crafting Competition, and anyone can enter! You need not have any trade-skill to apply. The theme for this competition is: Geography You will have a limited time from the release of the theme in which to come up with, and finish, your design. Please remember to include your character name on the letter! Submitting ---------- Designs will be submitted by posting a letter with it written upon to Ere. Do not make an actual design. Please also send a message to Ere when you send your letter so we can later verify we received it correctly, and save a backup copy for yourself! Designing --------- You will not be creating an actual design using the design system! Your design must be written on a letter and mailed to Ere. +++ IMPORTANT, DO NOT USE A LETTER FROM AN ARTIFACT SATCHEL BECAUSE THESE WILL POTENTIALLY DISAPPEAR IF YOU ACCIDENTALLY GIVE IT TO SOMEONE, AND YOUR DESIGN WILL BE LOST +++ Submissions aren't tied to any one particular archetype and can be from any of Aetolia's crafting skills. You design NEEDS to include the following: Appearance - e.g. "a plain grey sweater" Dropped - e.g. "A plain grey sweater lies here." Examined - e.g. "This grey sweater is made of simple spun wool. It is fairly warm, though cheap and unadorned." You can also include any optional messages that a design might normally have, such as worn/removed messages for clothing, or eaten messages for food. Reactions --------- Your specifications for the design can include up to three 'reactions' on it. A reaction is something the item will do when interacted with in a certain way. You may design your item to react to the following things (and ONLY these): * targeted with a certain predefined emote (use EMSHOW to ensure it's valid!) * being turned * being pulled * being pushed * being touched * being dropped * being taken You can also specify arguments to follow these. For example, PUSH <item> BLUE, TURN <item> LEFT, and so on. The response to the reaction can only be a single message that can either be shown to one person (the person interacting with the item), everybody in the room, or both. Judging ------- Judging will be based mainly on the following aspects: Theme Quality Reactions Example submission ------------------ My character name is Ere! Appearance: a plain grey sweater Dropped: A plain grey sweater lies here. Examined: This grey sweater is made of simple spun wool. It is fairly warm, though cheap and unadorned. Worn 1p: You casually slip a grey sweater on over your head. Worn 3p: $name casually slips a grey sweater on over $his head. Removed 1p: You lift your arms up and pull off a grey sweater. Removed 3p: $name lifts $his arms up and pulls off a grey sweater. Reaction#1: Targeted with emote 'brush' Response: Interactor sees: You carefully brush the fluff and dirt off a grey sweater. Room sees: $name carefully brushes the fluff and dirt off a grey sweater. Reaction#2: Touched Reponse Interactor sees: As you place your hand upon the grey sweater, you realize what you always knew: It's just an ordinary sweater. Reaction#3: Dropped Response Interactor sees: You carefully fold a grey sweater before dropping it on the ground. Room sees: $name carefully folds a grey sweater before dropping it on the ground.