22.2.3 Cooking Approval Guidelines

Between pot, pan, stove, and oven, Cooking is a vibrant trade ripe with possibility.

   - Eaten 1p is what the eater sees, and is first person
   - Eaten 3p is what a person in the room with them sees when someone is eating, so would be third person and utilize the $(name$) tokens
   - Smell is just that, the smell of the dish (SMELL <item>)
   - Taste is a sampling of the dish (TASTE <item>)

   - Remember that Eaten 1p/3p are to describe the food, not the person's reaction to it. Keep in mind that each personality and character approaches food differently, so give room for their own expression 

   - Do not use out-of-character regional materials, nor brand names (like bundt). Some specific names like mozerella are also not permitted (though you can still describe using a mild, soft white cheese)

   - All meats must be dead
   - Words and phrases that are not permitted

   - While utensils can be used as a 'measurement' (in example, a spoonful, a forkful), you may NOT force the use of a utensil in your design (ex. Picking up your fork, you seize a bite of pie)

   - When including packaging or plateware in a cooking design, you must add the appropriate ingredients (popped corn in a sack, for example would take one wood or one paper). HOWEVER, an exclusion to this rule are design patterns that OBLIGATE the crafter to a piece of packaging or plateware (in example, the 'plate' template - extra materials are only required if you wax long and poetic about the plateware itself).

   Reminder: Customized rations will revert back to the original version when cached. This is intentional and not a bug.